Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow.

James Dean

Monday, March 15, 2010

Air Raid

So I am sitting at my desk at school today when suddenly I hear this noise. It was a very loud siren. It reminded me of those war movie where you see the bombs falling in London and the air raid sirens going off. Suddenly I see some of the teachers standing at attention and staring out the window and I start to think, Oh my god we are being attacked. I think I must of had a look of shock on my face because my co teacher said to me, just a drill. It turns out that every month on the 15th they do these air raid drills to practice in case North Korea decides to attack. It's kind of surreal to be in a country that lives in the constant shadow of fear that one day they may be attacked by their neighbours to the north.


  1. Hi Cheryl: I am new to this site. Your Uncle Keith got me on it. I am a friend in his old territory outside Truro. You are a brave and adventurous gal. Good luck in your adventures and journey safely.I will love this blog. Joan

  2. Thank you Joan. I'm glad your enjoying the blog. I get my first pay cheque next week so it should get more interesting after that - when I can actually afford to travel to other cities outside of Daejeon.
